Monday, June 22, 2015

Gurdeep's Story

Why We Need Jaden’s Law (A4171/S5917)

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Gurdeep Bedi had always been a healthy boy until one day he suffered from lymph node infection. Although cured of the infection, Gurdeep shortly received more devastating news: he had been diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.   After battling Leukemia for one year and 15 days, Gurdeep Bedi passed away on January 4, 2005. Gurdeep had several potential treatment options such as a bone marrow or cord blood stem cell transplant but unfortunately, no match was found in the national donor registry. This is a very common problem that many ethnic groups face but this can be changed with the more awareness we spread about the benefits of bone marrow, peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs), and cord blood stem cells. That is why Jaden’s Law (A4171) was proposed, whose purpose is to increase awareness of these benefits.
Every day, people in the U.S. die from diseases that can be treated if they receive bone marrow or cord blood transplant.  Jaden's Law was passed in New Jersey providing all residents to receive information about bone marrow and/or PBSCs, the National Bone Marrow Donor Program, the benefits of donating and how to register. But now we want the law to pass in New York and we are reaching out for help. We need any kind of support to provide and raise awareness about this necessity.

Did You Know?
  • Out of 193,000 registered cord blood donors, 10% are Asian.
  • Out of 11 million registered bone marrow donors, 7% are Asian.
  • According to New York State Department of Health (2015), there are 19,570,261 people in New York State, out of which, 8.1% are Asian.  
  • Sickle Cell Anemia, Leukemia (Cancer), Breast Cancer, Diabetes, and Heart Disease are diseases that can be treated with stem cells via bone marrow, PBSC and cord blood donations.

Facts About Jaden’s Law (A4171)
  • Provides Information and spreads awareness about bone marrow, peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) and cord blood stem cells on the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles with an online brochure.
  • Adds information about the need of donors with voter registration card.
  • Online brochure about the need of bone marrow, peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) and cord blood stem cells and defines details about treatment options, provided along with the need of ethnic donors on NYS Department of Health website.
  • Provides locations where individuals can register to donate bone marrow, peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) and cord blood within New York State and NYC
Please Contact the following legislators to help us get Jaden’s Law (A4171) passed in New York State
  • Senate Health Chair: Senator Kemp Hannon, District Office: 516-739-1700 and Albany Office: 518-455-2200
  • Assembly Health Chair: Assemblyman Richard N. Gottfried, District Office: 212-807-7900 and Albany Office: 518-455-4941
  • Speaker of the Assembly: Assemblyman Corl E. Heastie: District Office: 718-654-6539 and Albany Office: 518-455-4812
  • Speaker of the Senate: Senator John J. Flanagan: District Office: 631-361-2154 and Albany Office: 518-455-2071
  • Assemblyman Keith L.T. Wright: District Office: 212-866-5809 and Albany Office: 518-455-4941
  • Senator Kenneth P. Lavalle: District Office: 631-473-1461 and Albany Office: 518-455-3121

Please follow us on Facebook: Preserve Our Legacy, on Instagram: @preserveourlegacy, and on Twitter: @Preserveourlgcy. For more information please email: or call 1-877-778-3623.

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