The POL Umbilical Cord Blood Program is a grass-roots partnership with Harlem Hospital, Lifebank USA, and Corcell that increases umbilical cord blood donations within various ethnic communities where the need is the greatest. Dr. Edgar O. Mandeville, Director of OB/GYN and Shana Melius, MBA (Co-Founder/Program Developer) lead the program. The program launched on December 21, 2010, where Dr. Edgar Mandeville collected the first historical cord blood unit. This made the POL Umbilical Cord Blood Program the first of its kind in the nation. Our program has recently expanded and now offers public and private cord blood banking opportunities.
P.O.L Umbilical Cord Blood Program - Public
This program provides Preserve Our Legacy the opportunity to partner with various public cord blood banks to increase donation meet personally with pregnant mothers at hospitals. We then explain Jaden’s story and the importance of donating the umbilical cord blood at no cost to the mother. These units would be discarded as medical waste, however they provide treatment options with adult stem cells provide for various health disparities.
Expecting mothers who are scheduled to deliver at Harlem Hospital and who are interested can register on-site to donate their umbilical cord blood to a public bank which will be collected at that the hospital immediately after birth. Therefore, our program increases the available donated cord blood for public banks, especially, for the treatment of ethnic children and adults with diseases such as leukemia and sickle cell anemia.
P.O.L. Umbilical Cord Blood Program – Private
This new program division provides Preserve Our Legacy the ability to partner with various banks and provide new mother’s the ability to store their baby’s cord blood for their own personal use at an affordable rate. This personally stored unit provides families the ability to utilize their baby’s cord blood. Treatment options are developing daily within the science world. In the event a disease develops or a major trauma, this stored unit may be used years to come as a possible treatment option for someone in their immediate family.
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