Please help us get Jaden’s Law passed in the New York!
Passage of this law will help educate and inform individuals of the steps necessary for saving a life through bone marrow or PBSC donation.
Jaden Hilton lost his life at only 3 years old because he did not have a bone marrow or stem cell donor for a lifesaving transplant. So many children and adults are unable to receive this life saving treatment that has existed for 30 years simply because there are still not enough available donors on the national registry. We can change that. We can tell Albany that it is time to pass Jaden’s Law.
New York already encourages tissue and organ donation which saves lives every year but, that does not include the bone marrow/stem cell registry because just like blood, plasma, and sperm, it is a living donation. So many people are dying due to the lack of registered donors on the bone marrow national registry.
Jaden’s Law New York has 3 goals:
- Establish an online brochure about bone marrow donation that is located on the Commission of Health and DMV website.
- Establish a bone marrow registration option listed on the Department of Motor Vehicle that will inform New Yorkers as to how to donate stem cells/bone marrow for research.
- Establish a voter registration process option. It will provide information about the bone marrow/stem cell registry and provide future literature, where applicable. It will also allow ability for voluntary anatomical donation of bone marrow for research.
This has the potential to add hundreds of thousands of donors to the registry without costing taxpayers money. It only makes use of things already in place and will save lives. Isn’t that great? So let’s call our state representative and the governor because there are people in the hospital now who are waiting!
Contact Gov. Andrew Cuomo:
Who is my NY State Assembly Representative:
Who is my NY State Senator:
Link for NY S2215- JADEN'S LAW petition: