Saturday, June 30, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (ET) at
The Salvation Army Harlem Temple Corps
540 Lenox Ave
New York, NY 10035
The Preserve Our Legacy Symposium will provide many individuals, especially those from various ethnic groups, health resources information and benefits they did not know were available to them. Attendees will be informed about their options to register as a bone marrow or cord blood donor. In addition to, various demonstrations on “how to register” and the “process of registration”. Attendees will be also informed of treatment options that are provided for various heath disparities that affect ethnic communities. These series of monthly events will consist of panel discussions along with Q & A sessions for audience members. There will also be monthly bone marrow drives. June 30, 2012 will launch the event series. Panelist will be disclosed at a later date.
For more information about P.O.L. or P.O.L. Symposium info please contact: Shana Melius, 877.778.3623 ext.702 or For panelist opportunity, SUBJECT LINE: PANELIST email, : Brett Melius,, Tiffani Hilton ext. 704 or