Yesterday was about helping those in need. What started out as an accidental call to our organization, Preserve Our Legacy, instead of Legacy Center, from a diabetic patient that was in need of help, turned into heroic efforts from P.O.L. Board Members, MCNY Alumni's and to help feed those in need. It did not matter what race you were, how much money you had, what background you were from. It was totally about HELPING PEOPLE. Although, our mission is about educating people, it is mainly about helping save LIVES. Many of the victims we served, had not had a hot meal in two weeks. We saw various different groups, corporations, organizations and individuals coming together to help this community. It did not matter where you were from. Everyone came to fulfill a mission - Bring a brighter day to those in need. Some of these images speak volumes. Post as you like. I will NEVER forget this experience as long as I live!
-Shana Melius, Co-Founder of Preserve Our Legacy, Inc.